Tag Archives: Fine Tuning

The Case for God in Seven Minutes or Less….

While taking part in a debate on the existence of God at the Literific Society at Queen’s University Belfast, I had to give a seven minute speech. (This is slightly different from what I actually said since I tried to include some responses to objections that had been raised.) 

In claiming that there is a God, I am not claiming that we can logically establish the existence of God with complete certainty.

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What is the Fine Tuning Argument? 12 Quick Points

1) Scientists have increasingly become aware that the universe is ‘just right’ for life. If any one of a number of features of the universe had been even slightly different, life as we know it would be impossible.

2) For example, various features of the universe are ‘just right’ for the existence of stars, galaxies and life itself; had they been slightly different the human race could not exist.

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